Price in USD / Night
Check-In: 07:00
Check-Out: 18:00
Homes Amenities:
Basic Essentials:
Internet and office:
Kitchen and dining:
Space where guests can cook their meals:
Location Features:
Parking and facilities:
Not included:
Space where guests can cook their meals:
Location Features:
Parking and facilities:
Not included:
The Residences
More About The Property
Day Pass Price: The day pass costs 400EC (Eastern Caribbean Dollars) per day and is adjustable.
*meaning customers can choose any available date within the specified time frame.
Capacity: The price is for approximately 10 persons. If there are more than 10 persons attending, there is an additional charge of 100EC for every 5 extra persons.
Inclusions: The day pass includes access to the venue's Full Kitchen with bar, pool, living room, dining table, bath and a huge BBQ grill, front and back outdoor space with all of which promise a delightful
Availability: Not available for nite stay.
Homes Amenities:
Basic Essentials:
Internet and office:
Kitchen and dining:
Space where guests can cook their meals:
Location Features:
Parking and facilities:
Not included: